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Discussion Board

Welcome to the community. We want to hear from you. Ask a question. Share your thoughts. Get smarter and help others.
  • CADCA Midyear Workshop Interests/Recomendations
    Please look through CADCA course grid for Monday July 27th - Thursday July 30th and identify courses you would like to participate in as a team. Once we have some consesns on trainings can plan to meet in person and participate in them together https://www.cadca.org/midyear-sessions
  • WorkStation Feedback
    What are you likes and dislikes about the WorkStation. Do you have any ideas on how we can collaberate or use this system more effecently?
What's happening
    In General.
Top contributors
 Cathy Dunwody
  • Cathy Dunwody
 Megan  Tran
  • Megan Tran
 Sydney Ludwick
  • Sydney Ludwick
 Cynthia Redfern
  • Cynthia Redfern